下文是 新西兰机票网 更新后的隐私政策。 我们非常重视您对我们的信任,并将确保您提供给我们的个人信息的安全性和机密性作为工作的重中之重。请阅读此政策,了解我们的隐私保护做法。 访问本网站即表示您接受此处描述的做法。
一般信息。 我们会收到并存储您在我们网站上输入的或者以其他任何方式提供给我们的所有信息。 这包括能够识别您身份的信息(以下简称“个人信息”),包括您的姓氏和名字、电话号码、邮寄地址、电子邮件地址,以及付款信息(如信用卡卡号、持卡人姓名和到期日期)。 您可以选择不向我们提供信息,但是您通常需要提供一些个人信息才能注册为会员、预订旅行、填写旅客资料,参加调查、比赛或抽奖,向我们提问,或者在我们的网站开展其他交易。
旅伴信息。 如果您通过本网站为其他人预订,我们将要求您提供该旅客的个人信息和旅行偏好。 您向我们提供该旅客的个人信息和旅行偏好之前,应先征得其本人的同意,这是因为只能通过您的帐户查看或更改其信息。
从其他来源获得的信息。 我们也会定期从关联实体、业务合作伙伴和其他独立第三方来源获得您的个人信息和非个人信息,并将这些信息添加到我们的帐户信息中。 我们可能收到的信息包括:最新的配送和地址信息、购买历史记录和人口统计信息。 此外,如果您使用自己的社交媒体帐户注册新西兰机票网、将您的新西兰机票网 帐户关联至社交媒体帐户,或者使用某些其它新西兰机票网的社交媒体功能,我们可能会依照此类社交媒体提供商的政策访问您的信息。 这些信息可能包括您的姓名、电子邮件地址、个人资料照片、性别、朋友列表,以及您授权我们接收的其它信息。 依据您和您朋友的隐私设置,我们可能会访问您提供给社交媒体提供商的各自位置信息(以下简称“位置数据”),以便为您提供相关内容。 请注意,依据您在此类社交媒体提供商的隐私设置,您的位置数据也可能会在社交媒体提供商中与您的朋友共享。
自动收集信息。 当您访问本网站时,我们会自动收集有关有关您的计算机的一些信息。 例如,我们会收集您的 IP 地址、Web 浏览器软件(如 Firefox、 Safari 或 Internet Explorer)以及推介网站。 我们还可能会收集有关您的在线活动的信息,如查看的旅行和进行的预订。 我们自动收集这些信息的目的是帮助定制您的用户体验和避免欺诈。
我们使用敏感的付款信息(如持卡人姓名、信用卡卡号和到期日期)以便完成您在我们网站上进行的旅行预订。 我们将您的其它信息用于下述一般目的:向您提供您申请的产品和服务;向您提供旅行确认和更新;管理您的帐户,包括处理账单和提供旅行通知;与您进行一般性沟通;答复您的疑问和评论;衡量兴趣度以及改善我们的产品、服务和网站;通知您可能感兴趣的特价以及产品或服务;在其它方面自定您在本网站的体验;在您选择参加的任何奖励和认同计划中作为一部分给您的奖励;从您那里征求信息,包括通过调查的方式;解决争议、收取费用或解决问题;防范潜在禁止的或非法的活动;实施我们的使用条款;以及收集信息时向您描述的其它目的。
电子邮件通信。 我们希望您能够轻松地利用我们网站上提供的旅行相关机会。 为此,我们采取的其中一种方法是向您发送电子邮件,在邮件中为您提供您会明显感兴趣的旅行相关信息。 例如,如果您在我们网站上搜索前往纽约的航班,并保存了您的行程或者尚未预订旅行,那么我们会向您发送电子邮件,提醒您已保存的行程或前往纽约的优惠机票。 同样,如果您在收到有关纽约旅行的电子邮件后,单击电子邮件中有关纽约酒店的链接,由此明确地表示对纽约酒店感兴趣,那么您可能会收到一封有关纽约酒店优惠或其他目的地信息的电子邮件。 我们认为,这些电子邮件将为您提供实用信息,告知您可通过我们网站获得与旅行相关的特价产品。 请注意,在我们发送的任何此类电子邮件中,您都有机会选择不接收这些电子邮件。
供应商,即您提供旅行预订项目的供应商,如酒店、航空公司、租车公司和活动提供商。 在本网站,所有由第三方供应商提供的服务都如实描述。 通过本网站预订即表示您授权我们向供应商披露所需的信息,以便完成预订和提供相关旅行。 这些供应商不受新西兰机票网的控制,向他们披露的个人信息受相应供应商的适用隐私政策和安全保护做法的约束。 因此,如果您通过本网站购买任何旅行供应商的产品,我们建议您查看其隐私政策。
第三方供应商,即代表我们提供服务或职能的供应商,包括信用卡处理、业务分析、客户服务、营销、分发调查或抽奖计划,以及预防欺诈。 我们也可能授权第三方供应商代表我们收集信息,包括用于运作我们网站的功能或者便于交付根据您的兴趣定制的在线广告所必需的信息。 第三方供应商只能根据履行职能所需访问信息和收集信息,不得出于任何其他目的共享或使用信息。 他们还需遵循我们所遵守的相同数据安全保护做法。
业务合作伙伴,我们可能与他们联合提供产品或服务,也可能在我们的网站提供他们的产品或服务。 当第三方参与提供您所请求的产品或服务时,您会看到他们的名称单独显示,或者与我们的名称一起显示。 如果您选择访问这些可选服务,我们可能会与这些合作伙伴分享您的信息,包括您的个人信息。 需要注意的是,我们无法控制这些第三方业务合作伙伴的隐私保护做法。
推介网站。 如果您是经其他网站推荐后访问本网站的(例如,通过点击其它网站的链接直接转至本网站),我们可能与该推介网站共享您的部分信息。 我们尚未对推介网站使用您的个人信息做出任何限制,因此我们鼓励您查看推荐您访问本站的任何推介网站的隐私政策。
我们企业集团中的公司。 我们可能会将您的个人信息与我们的母公司和集团关联公司以及国际集团关联公司(如澳洲机票网, xiujiala.com, tripardo.com)共享。 这种共享使得我们能够为您提供您可能感兴趣的产品和服务信息,既有旅行相关的,也有其它的。 如果我们的母公司和集团关联公司有权访问您的信息,他们将遵守至少与本隐私政策所述做法一样严格的做法。 他们也将遵守监管促销信件传播的适用法律,至少会在发送给您的任何商业电子邮件中让您有机会选择将来不接收此类电子邮件信息。
答复传票、法庭命令或者其它法律流程;确立或行使我们的法律权力;对合法索赔进行辩护;或法律要求的其它情况。 在此类情况下,我们保留提起或豁免我们拥有的任何合法异议的权力或者我们拥有的权力。
我们也可能与第三方(包括广告商和投资方)共享汇总或匿名信息。 例如,我们可能会告诉广告商我们网站的访问量或最受欢迎的酒店和度假目的地。 此类信息不包含任何个人信息,用于开发我们希望您会感兴趣的内容和服务。
您有机会在我们的网站上提供手机号码,以便接收旅行当日航班提醒。 您随时都可以中止这些提醒。
在大多数浏览器中,工具栏的“帮助”部分都会告诉您如何阻止浏览器接受新的 Cookie,如何设置浏览器以便在收到新 Cookie 时发出通知,或者如何完全禁用 Cookie。 请注意,如果您拒绝接受本站发送的 Cookie,则将无法访问我们网站上的某些内容。
Cookie 是小的数据文本文件,可以存储在您计算机的硬件驱动器中(如果您的网页浏览器允许)。 本网站的 Cookie 用于以下一般目的:
为了帮助我们识别出您的浏览器为此前的访问者,请保存并记住您的浏览器访问我们网站时曾设置的任何偏好。 举例来说,如果您在我们的网站注册,则我们会用 Cookie 记住您的注册信息,这样您每次访问我们网站时就不需要登录。 如果您勾选了“Sign me in automatically next time”(下次自动登录)复选框,我们还可能在 Cookie 中记录您的密码。 请注意,出于安全目的,此类 Cookie 中所包含的会员 ID、密码以及任何其它帐户相关数据都是加密的。 除非您在我们这里注册,否则这些 Cookie 中将不会包含任何个人信息。
目的是为了帮助我们定制本网站和互联网其它网站提供给您的内容和广告。 例如,当您访问我们的网站时,我们、我们的服务提供商或者我们的合作方会自动创建 cookie,以便您在互联网上浏览时识别您的浏览器,根据您表现出的偏好向您推送信息和广告。
在大多数浏览器中,工具栏的“帮助”部分都会告诉您如何阻止浏览器接受新的 Cookie,如何设置浏览器以便在收到新 Cookie 时发出通知,或者如何完全禁用 Cookie。 请注意,如果您拒绝接受 Cookie,则可能无法访问我们网站提供的许多旅行工具。
除了上述 Cookie 之外,我们还在网站上使用本地共享对象(也称作 "Flash Cookie")。 它们通过存储您的用户首选项和设置(如您的音量/静音设置),并关联我们网站上的动画内容,力求改善您的用户体验。 本地共享对象与浏览器 Cookie 相似,但可以存储比简单文本更复杂的数据。 它们自己无法对您的计算机上的数据执行任何操作。 与其他 Cookie 一样,它们只能访问您在本网站上提供的个人身份识别信息,而且其他网站无法访问它们。
本网站还可能使用 Web 信标(也称作透明 GIF、像素标签或网络爬虫),它们是放置在网页代码中带有唯一标识符的微小图形,功能与 Cookie 类似。 我们使用 Web 信标监控用户从我们网站内的一个页面转到另一个页面的流量模式,使用 Cookie 提供内容或进行通信,了解您是否从第三方网站显示的在线广告转到我们网站,以及增强网站性能。 我们还可能允许服务提供商使用 Web 信标,以帮助我们了解收件人打开过哪些电子邮件并跟踪我们网站上的访客流量和操作。 这有助于我们衡量我们的内容和其他产品的效力。
如果您对我们的 Cookie 或其他技术的用途有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件向我们发送客户服务和反馈表。
本网站利用所收集的数据向您提供相关广告。新西兰机票网致力于为您提供相关内容和信息。 为此,我们可能会通过 Cookie 和其它技术 收集您的旅游相关搜索信息,比如您是否查找航空公司航线或酒店。 我们利用这一信息,连同我们收集的您的其它相关信息,在我们的网站或者网上其它地方为您推送与您的兴趣相匹配的广告。 因此举例来说,如果您在本站搜索前往佛罗里达的航班,则您可能在本站或者访问的其它网站上看到佛罗里达旅行套餐的广告。
请注意,我们不会把收集的您在本网站查找到的旅行相关搜索结果与您的个人信息(如电子邮件地址)相结合,以便在其它网站推送广告。 我们也不会与第三方共享您的个人信息,以便它们推送广告。
业务合作伙伴和广告网络利用所收集的数据向您提供相关广告。您在本网站看到的广告是由我们或我们的服务提供商提供的。 不过,我们也允许第三方通过 Cookie 和其他技术收集您的在线活动相关信息。 这些第三方包括 (1) 业务合作伙伴(当您查看他们投放在我们网站的某个广告或与该广告交互时,他们会收集信息);以及 (2) 广告网络(当您查看他们投放在 Internet 的很多不同网站上的某个广告或与该广告交互时,他们会收集有关您的兴趣的信息)。 这些第三方收集的信息用于预测您的性格、兴趣或偏好,以及在我们的网站及互联网上根据您显露的兴趣展示定制广告。 我们不允许第三方在我们的网站收集您的个人信息(如电子邮件地址),也不会与他们共享您的任何个人信息。
请注意,我们无法访问或控制这些第三方在收集有关您的兴趣信息时可能会使用的 Cookie 或其他技术,也无法访问或控制不属于本隐私政策范围的第三方信息处理做法。 这些公司中有一些是网络广告促进协会的会员,这个机构为人们提供了可以选择不接受会员公司广告的机会。
收集数据的公司基于 Cookie 进行数据交换,以向您提供相关广告。 与其他在线运营的公司一样,新西兰机票网参与基于 Cookie 的数据交换,即通过 Cookie 和其他技术Cookie 和其他技术收集有关您的浏览行为的匿名信息,然后将这些匿名信息细分为不同的兴趣主题(如旅行)。 此后,我们将这些兴趣主题共享给第三方(包括广告商和广告网络),以便他们根据您显露的兴趣定制广告。 我们不会与这些公司共享个人信息(如您的电子邮件地址),也不允许这些公司在我们的网站收集您的任何个人信息。
“请勿跟踪”信号和类似机制。 一些网络浏览器可能会向与浏览器通信的网站传输“请勿跟踪”信号。 由于网络浏览器整合和激活这一功能的方法存在差异,因此有时我们并不清楚用户是否有意传送这些信号,或者是否意识到它们存在。 领先的互联网标准设置组织的参与者正在解决这一问题,他们正在确定接收到此类信号时哪些(如果有)网站应这样做。 目前,新西兰机票网不会对这些信号做出应对行动。 如果有最终标准,并且最终标准已确立并被广泛接受时,我们将重新评估应如何应对这些信号。
除此之外,我们还会使用我们在您使用我们的移动应用时自动收集的某些其他信息。 具体来说:
我们会收集您访问和使用的移动应用功能的信息。 通过这些信息,我们可确定客户对移动应用的哪些部分感兴趣,进而能完善和不断改善移动应用。 但是,我们无法通过出于此目的而收集的信息直接识别您的身份。
每个移动应用也会向我们发送设备的唯一设备标识符(即“UID”),该标识符由一串数字或字符组成,对您的移动设备具有唯一性。 我们仅在客户首次打开移动应用时使用此标识符,以便我们能够向我们的广告网络确认单击他们的相应广告横幅和其他营销工具所带来的下载量。
使用移动应用时,您可以选择允许移动应用访问您的当前位置(此位置由移动设备利用 GPS 或类似技术提供),以便发现附近的酒店或机场。 如果选择允许移动应用访问当前位置,此位置数据可能会以匿名形式收集,并作为我们的服务器记录的搜索请求的一部分。 您可以随时通过手机设置菜单,关闭移动应用对您所处位置的访问。
每个移动应用也会在崩溃或挂起时向我们发送错误报告信息。 此类信息有助于我们调查错误原因,并改善未来发布的移动应用的稳定性。 移动应用向我们发送的这些错误报告中包括移动设备类型和版本、UID、错误发生时间、错误发生时正在使用的功能以及应用程序状态的信息。 除了调查并修复错误外,我们不会将此信息用于任何其他目的。
您始终能控制移动应用向我们发送的信息的内容。 为此,您可以更改移动应用设置菜单下的设置或更改移动设备的设置。 此外,您也可以从移动设备中完全删除移动应用,并通过我们的网站访问我们的服务。
我们希望您能放心地使用本网站安排旅行,为此,我们将竭力保护所收集的信息。 虽然没有哪一家网站能够保证绝对的安全,但是我们实施了恰当的管理、技术和物理安全程序,有助于保护您提供给我们的个人信息。 例如,我们仅允许获得授权的员工访问个人信息,并且他们只会在履行职责时访问个人信息。 此外,我们在您的系统和我们的系统之间传输您的敏感个人信息时会使用加密技术。我们还使用防火墙和入侵检测系统,帮助防止未授权人员访问您的信息。
这是一个面向普通受众的网站,不提供专注儿童的服务。 如果我们得知有 13 岁以下的儿童向我们发送个人信息,我们只会将该信息用于直接答复这名儿童,告知他或她我们在接收其个人信息之前必须获得家长同意。
如果您通过本网站的任何部分链接到其他网站,这些网站的运营不受本隐私政策的约束。 我们建议您查阅这些网站上张贴的隐私声明,了解它们收集、使用和披露个人信息的程序。
我们今后可能会更新本隐私政策。 如本隐私政策有重大变更,我们会将相关通知发送到您提供给我们的电子邮件地址,或者在我们网站上的显眼位置张贴通知。
本隐私政策自 2017 年 2 月 10 日起生效。
Privacy Policy
Below you will find the updated Privacy Policy for www.feijipiao.co.nz. We value your trust, and make it a high priority to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal information you provide to us. Please read this policy to learn about our privacy practices. By visiting this website, you are accepting the practices described herein.
What information we collect from you
In General. We receive and store any information you enter on our website or give us in any other way. This includes information that can identify you ("personal information"), including your first and last name, telephone number, postal and email addresses, and billing information (such as credit card number, cardholder name, and expiration date). You can choose not to provide information to us, but in general some information about you is required in order for you to register as a member; book travel; complete a traveler profile; participate in a survey, contest, or sweepstakes; ask us a question; or initiate other transactions on our site.
Travel Companion Information. When you make a reservation for someone else through this website, we will request personal information and travel preferences about that individual. You should obtain the consent of other individuals prior to providing us with their personal information and travel preferences, as any access to view or change their information will be available only through your account.
Information from Other Sources. We also may periodically obtain both personal and non-personal information about you from affiliated entities, business partners and other independent third-party sources and add it to our account information. Examples of information we may receive include: updated delivery and address information, purchase history, and demographic information. In addition, if you sign up for feijipiao.co.nz using your social media account, link your feijipiao.co.nz account to your social media account, or use certain other feijipiao.co.nz social media features, we may access information about you via that social media provider in accordance with the provider's policies. The information may include your name, email address, profile picture, gender, list of friends, and other information that you authorize us to receive. Depending on the privacy settings of you and your friends, we may access information that you provide to a social media provider regarding your respective locations ("Location Data") to provide you with relevant content. Please note that your Location Data may also be shared with your friends on a social media provider in accordance with your privacy settings for that social media provider.
Automatic Information. We automatically collect some information about your computer when you visit this website. For example, we will collect your IP address, Web browser software (such as Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer), and referring website. We also may collect information about your online activity, such as trips viewed and bookings made. Our goals in collecting this automatic information include helping customize your user experience and inhibiting fraud.
How we use your information
We use sensitive billing information (such as cardholder name, credit card number, and expiration date) for the purpose of completing the travel bookings you conduct on our site. We use other information about you for the following general purposes: to provide you with the products and services you request; to provide you with travel confirmation and updates; to manage your account, including processing bills and providing travel notifications; to communicate with you in general; to respond to your questions and comments; to measure interest in and improve our products, services, and website; to notify you about special offers and products or services that may be of interest to you; to otherwise customize your experience with this website; to reward you as part of any reward and recognition program you choose to join; to solicit information from you, including through surveys; to resolve disputes, collect fees, or troubleshoot problems; to prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities; to enforce our Terms of Use; and as otherwise described to you at the point of collection.
Email Communications. We want to make it easy for you to take advantage of travel-related opportunities on our website. One way we do this is by sending you email messages that contain information about your apparent travel-related interests. For example, if you search for a flight to New York on our website and have saved your itinerary or otherwise not yet booked your travel, we may send you an email message reminding you about your saved travel itinerary or about a special airfare to New York. Similarly, if you receive an email from us about New York travel and demonstrate an interest in New York hotels by affirmatively clicking on a link about New York hotels in the email, you may receive an email about New York hotel offers or other destination information. We believe these email messages will provide you with useful information about travel-related special offers available through our site. Please note that you will have the opportunity to choose not to receive these email messages in any such email we send.
With whom we share your information
This website may share your information with the following entities:
Suppliers, such as hotel, airline, car rental, and activity providers, who fulfill your travel reservations. Throughout this site, all services provided by a third-party supplier are described as such. By making a reservation through this site, you are authorizing us to disclose to suppliers the information required to complete the booking and deliver the related travel. These suppliers are not controlled by feijipiao.co.nz and personal information disclosed to them is subject to the applicable supplier's privacy policy and security practices. Therefore, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any travel supplier whose products you purchase through this site.
Third-party vendors who provide services or functions on our behalf, including credit card processing, business analytics, customer service, marketing, distribution of surveys or sweepstakes programs, and fraud prevention. We may also authorize third-party vendors to collect information on our behalf, including as necessary to operate features of our website or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to your interests. Third-party vendors have access to and may collect information only as needed to perform their functions and are not permitted to share or use the information for any other purpose. They are also required to follow the same data security practices that we ourselves adhere to.
Business partners with whom we may jointly offer products or services, or whose products or services may be offered on our website. You can tell when a third party is involved in a product or service you have requested because their name will appear, either alone or with ours. If you choose to access these optional services, we may share information about you, including your personal information, with those partners. Please note that we do not control the privacy practices of these third-party business partners.
Referring websites. If you were referred to this website from another site (for example, through a link you clicked on another site that directed you to this one), we may share some information about you with that referring website. We have not placed limitations on the referring websites use of your personal information and we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any website that referred you here.
Companies within our corporate family. We may share your personal information with our parent company and corporate affiliates, as well as international corporate affiliates (such as feijipiao.co.au; xiujiala.com; tripardo.com). This sharing enables us to provide you with information about products and services, both travel-related and other, which might interest you. To the extent that our parent company and corporate affiliates have access to your information, they will follow practices that are at least as restrictive as the practices described in this Privacy Policy. They also will comply with applicable laws governing the transmission of promotional communications and, at a minimum, give you an opportunity in any commercial email they send to choose not to receive such email messages in the future.
We also may share your information:
In response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.
When we believe it is appropriate to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of our company or this website, our customers, or others; and in connection with our Terms of Service and other agreements.
In connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.
Other than as set out above, you will be notified when personal information about you will be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to have us share such information.
We also may share aggregate or anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers and investors. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of visitors our website receives or the most popular hotels and vacation destinations. This information does not contain any personal information and is used to develop content and services we hope you will find of interest.
Your choices with respect to collection and use of your information
As discussed above, you can choose not to provide us with any information, although it may be needed to book travel or to take advantage of certain features offered on this site.
You will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from commercial emails in any such message that we send you. Please note that we reserve the right to send you other communications, including service announcements, administrative messages, and surveys relating either to your account or to your transactions on this site, without offering you the opportunity to opt out of receiving them.
You may have the opportunity on our website to provide a mobile number in order to receive day-of-travel flight alerts. You may discontinue these alerts at any time.
The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies from this site, you will not be able to access portions of our site.
Cookies and other technologies
Cookies are small data text files and can be stored on your computer's hard drive (if your Web browser permits). This website uses cookies for the following general purposes:
To help us recognize your browser as a previous visitor and save and remember any preferences that may have been set while your browser was visiting our site. For example, if you register on our site, we may use cookies to remember your registration information, so you do not need to log into our site each time you visit. We also may record your password in a cookie, if you checked the box entitled "Sign me in automatically next time." Please note that member IDs, passwords, and any other account-related data included in such cookies are encrypted for security purposes. Unless you register with us, these cookies will not contain any personal information.
To help us customize the content and advertisements provided to you on this website and on other sites across the Internet. For example, when you access a page on our website, a cookie is automatically set by us, our service providers, or our partners to recognize your browser as you navigate on the Internet and to present you with information and advertising based on your apparent interests.
To help measure and research the effectiveness of website features and offerings, advertisements, and email communications (by determining which emails you open and act upon).
The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to access many of the travel tools offered on our sites.
In addition to the above cookies, we use Local Shared Objects, also referred to as "flash cookies," on our web site. These are used to enhance your user experience, for example, by storing your user preferences and settings, such as your volume/mute settings, and in connection with animated content on our website. Local Shared Objects are similar to browser cookies, but can store data more complex than simple text. By themselves, they cannot do anything to or with the data on your computer. Like other cookies, they can only access personally identifiable information that you have provided on this site, and cannot be accessed by other websites.
This site may also use Web beacons (also known as clear gifs, pixel tags or Web bugs), which are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, that are placed in the code of a Web page. We use Web beacons to monitor the traffic patterns of users from one page within our sites to another, to deliver or communicate with cookies, to understand whether you have come to our site from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party website, and to improve site performance. We also may allow our service providers to use Web beacons to help us understand which emails have been opened by recipients and to track the visitor traffic and actions on our site. This helps us measure the effectiveness of our content and other offerings.
If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us using our customer service and feedback .
Display of tailored advertising/Your choices
Data collected by this website to serve you with relevant advertising. Feijipiao.co.nz is committed to providing you with relevant content and information. To do this, we may, through cookies and other technologies, collect information about your travel-related searches, such as whether you are looking for airline flights or hotels. We use this information, together with other information we have collected about you, to serve you with ads, on our website or elsewhere online, that match your apparent interests. So, for example, if you search for a flight to Florida on this site, you may see an ad for a Florida travel package on this site or on another website you visit.
Please note that we do not combine the information we collect about your travel-related searches on this website with personal information (such as email address) to serve you with ads across other websites. We also do not share your personal information with third parties so they can serve you with advertisements.
Data collected by business partners and ad networks to serve you with relevant advertising. The advertisements you see on this website are served by us or by our service providers. But we also allow third parties to collect information about your online activities through cookies and other technologies. These third parties include (1) business partners, who collect information when you view or interact with one of their advertisements on our sites; and (2) advertising networks, which collect information about your interests when you view or interact with one of the advertisements they place on many different websites on the Internet. The information gathered by these third parties is used to make predictions about your characteristics, interests or preferences and to display advertisements on our sites and across the Internet tailored to your apparent interests. We do not permit these third parties to collect personal information about you (such as email address) on our site, nor do we share with them any personal information about you.
Please note that we do not have access to or control over cookies or other technologies these third parties may use to collect information about your interests, and the information practices of these third parties are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Some of these companies are members of the Network Advertising Initiative, which offers a single location to opt out of ad targeting from member companies.
Data collected by companies that operate cookie-based exchanges to serve you with relevant advertising. Like other companies operating online, feijipiao.co.nz participates in cookie-based exchanges where anonymous information is collected about your browsing behavior through cookies and other technologies and segmented into different topics of interest (such as travel). These topics of interest are then shared with third parties, including advertisers and ad networks, so they can tailor advertisements to your apparent interests. We do not share personal information (such as your email address) with these companies and we do not permit these companies to collect any such information about you on our site.
Do-Not-Track Signals and Similar Mechanisms. Some web browsers may transmit "do-not-track" signals to websites with which the browser communicates. Because of differences in how web browsers incorporate and activate this feature, it is not always clear whether users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they even are aware of them. Participants in the leading Internet standards-setting organization that is addressing this issue are in the process of determining what, if anything, websites should do when they receive such signals. Feijipiao.co.nz currently does not take action in response to these signals. If and when a final standard is established and accepted, we will reassess how to respond to these signals.
Using the feijipiao.co.nz mobile phone and tablet Apps (the "Mobile Apps")
When you use an feijipiao.co.nz Mobile App, we collect and use information about you in the same way and for the same purposes as we do when you use our website.
In addition to this, we also use some other information that we collect automatically when you use our Mobile Apps. Specifically:
We collect information about Mobile App functionality that you access and use. This allows us to identify those areas of the Mobile App that are of interest to our customers so that we can refine and continuously improve the Mobile App. The information we collect for this purpose does not enable us to directly identify you.
Each Mobile App also sends us the device's unique device identifier (or "UID"), a sequence of numbers or characters that are unique to your mobile device. We use this only on the first opening of the Mobile App so that we can confirm to our advertising networks the number of downloads resulting from clicks on their respective ad banners and other marketing tools.
When you use a Mobile App, you can choose to allow access to your current location – provided by your mobile device using GPS or similar technologies – in order to identify nearby hotels or airports. If you choose to allow access, this location data may be collected anonymously as part of search requests logged by our servers. You can switch off the Mobile App’s access to your location at any time through your phone settings menu.
Each Mobile App will also send us error-reporting information in the event that it crashes or hangs. This enables us to investigate the error and to improve the stability of the Mobile App for future releases. As part of these error reports, the Mobile App sends us information about the mobile device type and version, the UID, the time the error occurred, the feature being used and the state of the application when the error occurred. We do not use this information for any purpose other than investigating and remedying the error.
You always have the ability to control what information a Mobile App sends to us. You can exercise this control either by changing the settings of the Mobile App under its setting menu or changing the settings of your mobile device. Alternatively, you can remove the Mobile App from your mobile device entirely and access our services through our website.
How we protect your information
We want you to feel confident about using this website to make travel arrangements, and we are committed to protecting the information we collect. While no website can guarantee security, we have implemented appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security procedures to help protect the personal information you provide to us. For example, only authorized employees are permitted to access personal information, and they may only do so for permitted business functions. In addition, we use encryption when transmitting your sensitive personal information between your system and ours, and we employ firewalls and intrusion detection systems to help prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to your information.
Children's privacy
This is a general audience website and does not offer services directed to children. Should a child whom we know to be under 13 send personal information to us, we will use that information only to respond directly to that child to inform him or her that we must have parental consent before receiving his or her personal information.
External Links
If any part of this website links you to other sites, those sites do not operate under this Privacy Policy. We recommend you examine the privacy statements posted on those other websites to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy in the future. We will notify you about material changes to this Privacy Policy by sending a notice to the email address you provided to us or by placing a prominent notice on our website.
How you can contact us
If you have questions about either this Privacy Policy (or your travel planning or purchases), please email us using our customer service and feedback form.
This Privacy Policy is effective as of February 10th, 2017.